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Featured Books at the Library

Check out our selections for December

UN Sustainable Development Goal #4 – Quality Education

This month three of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are featured as the ones most relevant to Langara College and the Library. The first of these goals is “Quality Education” because it’s what we strive to provide for all students. This selection of titles explores education on a local to a global scale through the lens of the UN SDG #4.

UN Sustainable Development Goal #8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

Without a Quality Education (UN SDG #4) it’s hard to achieve Decent Work and Economic Growth. The idea behind this goal is what drives many of the programs and courses offered at Langara in response to labour market changes. These titles cover many aspects of what it means to have “decent work” in today’s world.

More UN SGD #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth Titles

Cover Art

UN Sustainable Development Goal #1 - No Poverty

Cover Art

As a link to both UN SDGs 4 and 8, one clear pathway to eradicating Poverty is to help people achieve their education goals, that will hopefully lead to finding decent work. Explore these titles to get a sense of the complex and varied reasons and solutions to the different forms of poverty.

More UN SDG #1 No Poverty Titles

Accessibility in Design

December 3rd is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Around the world more than 1.3 billion people have a significant disability, which represents 16% of the global population. This collection specifically focuses on how designing for accessibility can remove barriers for those who currently have a disability, while creating systems and objects that are inclusive for everyone!

More Assessibility in Design Titles

Cover Art