Success as a college student doesn’t happen by accident! It takes work, strategy, and learning how to learn. This selection of titles will help you get off on the right foot with your studies at the start of this school year.
September 21st is the International Day of Peace. This year the theme is “End Racism. Build Peace.” as an acknowledgment that racism is often the root cause of conflict around the world. Explore these titles for nuanced perspectives on both peacebuilding and antiracism.
During the second week of September Mennonite history, contributions, struggles and triumphs are celebrated in Canada. Arriving from Europe between the late 18th to 20th centuries, Mennonite’s settled across Canada and abide by a religious doctrine of non-violence and passivism.
September 30th, also known as Orange Shirt Day, is a federal statutory holiday that commemorates the painful history and ongoing impacts of Canada’s Indigenous residential schools. Taking this day to reflect and remember is an important part of the process of individual and collective reconciliation. If you need a place to start exploring this difficult topic, perhaps start with one of these titles.