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Reading Lists: Guide for Copyright Staff

Copy pending

This status is commonly assigned when an instructor requires a digitization (e.g. an article from a journal to which Langara Library does not have access). This usually entails submitting an acquisition request on behalf of the instructor and attaching the supplied digitization to the reading. 

To process these requests in TADC

  1. Click the Requests tab in the menu at the top of the page. Navigate to the digitization request and click the three vertical dots under Actions

  2. Select View details. You might now see this Request Referred message on the left side of the screen:
    digitization request requires copy
  3. Check the catalogue to confirm whether Langara Library has existing access to the work:
    • If Langara Library has the work in print, submit a scan request to Borrower Services.
    • If Langara Library has electronic access to the work, click Reject and select "Existing electronic copy available" from the Reason menu.* Add the permalink to the reading following the instructions provided in the box below.  
    • If Langara Library does not have access to the work, submit an interlibrary loan request on behalf of the instructor.
  4. Upon receipt of the digitization, select either:
    • Upload to add the digitization to the reading. Select Institutional copy in the Source fields. OR;
      upload a digitization
    • Alternative Copyright Source if the digitization requires manual rights clearance. Select the Source that provided rights clearance from the drop-down menu. Add an explanatory note in the Comment: field (required) and click Save.

* Note: It is more fair to the rights holder to link to the electronic version of a work, as it does not result in a new copy.  

Adding a permalink to a reading

The Publisher role in Reading Lists allows users to edit readings and assign ownership to lists. If a work is available electronically through Langara Library, Publisher's can add the permalink to a reading. 

To add a permalink to a reading:

  1. Search for the reading list on the Reading Lists (Talis Aspire) homepage. Select the list from the predictive text.
  2. Navigate to the reading. Click the three vertical dots to the right and select Edit. You will now see the metadata for the reading.
  3. Navigate to Add field: Select Web address from the options and click Add. You will now see a Web address field.
  4. Paste the permalink into the Web address field and click Save.
    edit reading to add permalink

Note: The DOI field sometimes serves as the default link for a reading. You may need to delete the DOI field temporarily to set the permalink as the active link for the reading.