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APA Style 7th ed Citation Guide - Langara Library

Notes on Websites

When citing a web document, list as many of the following elements as are available: author’s name, publication date (or “n.d.” if no date can be found), webpage/article title (usually in italics), website name, and URL.

When a web document consists of multiple web pages, provide a URL that links to the entry page of the document.

Give your retrieval date only if the content of the source is likely to change.

References from websites that have a corresponding print magazine or newspaper are formatted slightly different than other online sources. The major difference from other web sources is that you italicize the website (i.e., the magazine/newspaper) name as opposed to the title of the article.

Basic Format for Webpages, Websites, or Blogs

Reference List

Author, A. A. (YEAR, Month Day). Title of page. Website name. URL  (for a webpage)

Author, A. A. (YEAR, Month Day). Title of blog entry. Blog name. URL (for a blog)

In-Text Citation

(Last name, YEAR)

Webpage with one or more individuals as author

Basic Format - With Date

Lastname, F. M. (YEAR, Month Day). Title of webpage. Website name. URL

Reference List - With Date

Clifton, M. (2019, February 19). Your inbox is a mess, and it's slowing you down. Here's how to fix it. CBC.

(Clifton, 2019)

Basic Format - Without Date

Lastname, F. M., Lastname, F. M., & Lastname, F. M. (no date). Title of webpage. Website name. URL

Reference List - Without Date

Jarry, J. L., Kossert, A., & Ip, K. (n.d.). Do women with low self-esteem use appearance to feel better? National Eating Disorder Information Centre.


(Jarry et al., n.d.)

Webpage with group author

Basic Format

Group Author Name. (YEAR, Month Day). Title of webpage. Website Name. URL

Reference List

Mayo Clinic. (2023, January 23). Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes.

(Mayo Clinic, 2023)

For a page from an organization’s website without individual authors, use the name of the organization as the author. If the author and site name are the same, omit the site name from the citation.


Basic Format - Group Author the Same as the Website Name

Group Author Name. (YEAR, Month Day). Title of webpage. URL

Reference List - Group Author the Same as the Website Name

BC Children's Hospital. (2020, August 20). Preparing children for back-to-school during the COVID-19 pandemic.


(BC Children's Hospital, 2020)

Webpage on a news website (versus an online newspaper)

Basic Format

Author, A. A. (YEAR, Month Day). Title of webpage. Website Name. URL

Reference List

Crawley, M. (2024, October 7). Canadian doctors warned to be on the lookout for scurvy. CBC News.

(Crawley, 2024)

The APA treats articles on news websites (such as CBC News, BBC News, HuffPost, etc.) as webpages (Publication manual, 2020, p. 351). In contrast, articles from online newspapers (such as the New York Times) are cited as articles in a periodical (Publication manual, 2020, p.320).

Wikipedia Entry

Basic Format

Title of Article. (YEAR, Month Day). In Wikipedia. URL

Reference List

Gopher. (2020, September 15). In Wikipedia.


("Gopher," 2020)

Wikipedia articles often update frequently. For this reason, the date refers to the date that the cited version of the page was published.In this case, you should provide the URL to the archived version of the page, rather than the current version of the page on the site, since the latter can change over time. Access the archived version by clicking "View History," then clicking the date/timestamp of the version you'd like to cite.

For in-text citations without an author if the title is italicized in the reference, also italicize the title in the in-text citation. However, if the title of the work is not italicized in the reference, use double quotation marks around the title in the in-text citation. (Publication manual, 2020, p.264)

Website with information that may change over time

One of the major changes in APA 7th Edition is that you no longer have to include "Retrieved from" in your website citations. The one exception to this rule is if when the contents of a page are designed to change over time and an archived version is unavailable (unlike Wikipedia, for instance). In these cases, include a retrieval date in the reference.

Basic Format

Author or Website Name. (no date) Title of article or webpage. Retrieved Month Day, YEAR, from URL

Reference List

FIveThirtyEight. (n.d.) 2020 election forecast. Retrieved September 15, 2020, from


(FiveThirtyEight, n.d.) 

Document with no author

When there is no author for a web page, the title moves to the first position of the reference entry. (Publication manual, 2020, p. 289)

Basic Format

Title of article or webpage. (YEAR, Month Day). Title of Website. URL

Reference List

Coronavirus: Tesla donates hundreds of ventilators to New York. (2020, March 27). BBC News.


(Coronavirus: Tesla, 2020)

Use the first few words of the title if the title is too long. (Publication manual, 2020, p. 265)

For in-text citations without an author if the title is italicized in the reference, also italicize the title in the in-text citation. However, if the title of the work is not italicized in the reference, use double quotation marks around the title in the in-text citation. (Publication manual, 2020, p.264)


Blogs are formatted as periodicals rather than as websites. (Publication manual, 2020, p. 316)

Basic Format

Lastname, F. M. (YEAR, Month Day). Title of blog post. Title of Blog. URL

Reference List

Natelson, D. (2020, August 5). The energy of the Beirut explosion. Nanoscale Views.


(Natelson, 2020)