Basic Format
Photographer Lastname, F. M. (YEAR). Title of photograph [Photograph]. Website name. URL
Reference List
Bourgeault, L. (n.d.). A view of Calgary from a park near the city [Photograph]. Canadian Geographic.
(Bourgeault, n.d.)
For photographs without authors start with the title and put the date in round brackets following the photograph format.(Publication manual, 2020, p. 289).
If the date is missing write (n.d.) for 'no date'.
Basic Format
Artist Lastname, F. M. (YEAR) Title of artwork [Medium]. Name of Museum, Location of Museum.
Reference List
Delacroix, E. (1826-1827). Faust attempts to seduce Marguerite [Lithograph]. The Louvre, Paris, France.
(Delacroix, 1826-1827)
For untitled works include a description in square brackets in place of the title. (Publication manual, 2020, p. 347)
Basic Format
Artist, F. M. (YEAR) Title of artwork [Medium]. Name of Museum, Location of Museum. URL
Reference List
Harris, L. S. (1930). Mt. Lefroy [Painting]. McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, ON, Canada.
(Harris, 1930)
Basic Format
Artist, F. M. (Year) Title of artwork [Format]. Website name. URL
Reference List
Villella, J. (2020). Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA [Stock image]. Unsplash.
(Villella, 2020)
There are special requirements regarding attribution for using clip art and stock images in APA Style papers. For more information see the APA Style Website
Basic Format
Title of image [Image description]. (YEAR, Month Day). Website Name. URL
Reference List
Caduceus simple [Digital image]. (2014, February 22). Wikimedia Commons.
In Text
(Caduceus simple, 2014)
Basic Format
[Description and format]. (no date) Website name. URL
Reference List
[Photograph of person washing hands]. (n.d.) CDC.
([Photograph of person washing hands], n.d.)