Intructors can request digitized readings (digitizations) from Langara Library, or attach their own digitizations to readings. Use the digitization workflow to:
Before you request a digitization, ensure that your reading list is associated with a Time period (semester) and attached to the Hierarchy (see Create a Reading List, step 4). This ensures that:
A time period (e.g. Spring 2024) starts two weeks before the first day of the semester and ends two weeks after the last day of exams. For example, the Spring 2024 time period starts on August 17, 2024 and ends January 4, 2025.
When you request a digitzation, you will also be asked to enter a Needed by (Required) date. This date cannot be earlier than the Start date.
We recommend using the same date in the Start date and Needed by (Required) fields. This will ensure that you can view your digitizations via the View online button in your reading list two weeks before the start of the semester.
If you try to access a digitization prior to the Needed by (Required) date, you will receive the following message: "This digitisation cannot be viewed until DD-MM-YYYY." This is because some digitizations require copyright licensing, and copyright licensing is arranged on a semester by semester basis.
You can set the Time period when you create a reading list.
Alternatively, you can edit an existing reading list to include the time period. To set the time period for an existing reading list:
Start date and End date are automatically populated based on the reading list's Time Period. Digitizations go live in the reading list on the Neeeded by (Required) date. The Needed by (Required) date cannot be earlier than the start date. Entering the start date in the Needed by (Required) field will ensure you can view the digitization in your reading list well before the start of the semester.