If Smith is cited in a book by Blackwell and you did not read Smith's original work, list the Blackwell reference in the References list. Omit the date of Smith's work if you do not know it. In text, use the following citation:
Smith's research (as cited in Blackwell, 2023) supports claims that sleep deprivation has an impact on cognitive performance.
If Tarasuk's 2015 work is cited in a book chapter by McIntyre and Anderson published in 2022 and you did not read Tarasuk's original work, list the McIntyre and Anderson source in the References list. In text, use the following citation:
Tarasuk (2015; as cited in McIntyre & Anderson, 2022) states... - narrative style
(Tarasuk, 2015, as cited in McIntyre & Anderson, 2022) - parenthetical style
Jones is one of the speakers in a 44 minute documentary video written by Smith and directed by Ma. List the Smith and Ma reference in the References list. In text, use the following citation, including the start time of the quote in minutes and seconds:
Jones (as cited in Smith & Ma, 2019) states that babies form memories early in life (5:10).