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POLI 1119: Canadian Politics and Government (Phillips)

Locating print books in the library by call number

Libraries assign unique 'codes' called call numbers to print books. Call numbers help you locate books within the library, much like an address helps you locate a house on a street. 

The call number is provided on the catalogue record for a book:

And along the spine of the print book:

books with JL call numbers on a shelf

Read the call number from left to right, and top to bottom. The final set of numbers (e.g. 2010) is the year the book was published. 

Books with call numbers starting with letters A-F are located on the second floor of the library. Books with call numbers starting with letters G-Z are located on the third floor of the library. 

Political science books are predominantly located in the J section. However, if you are researching a multidisciplinary topic you may find yourself visiting other sections. For example, political science topics related to Canadian history will take you to the FC section.

The call number system is designed to bring books on related topics together on the shelf. If you find one relevant book, look around - you may find more!