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New Releases at the Library

Alien Hand Syndrome.

Alien hand syndrome is a rare disorder that involves a patient’s hand (or leg) acting independent of their desires. The patient’s hand may interact with objects the patient has no desire to interact with, or even interfere with tasks performed with the other hand. This video discusses the general symptoms of alien hand syndrome as well as some hypotheses about what goes wrong in the brain to cause the syndrome to occur.

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Alzheimer's Disease.

In this video, I discuss Alzheimer's disease---the most common form of neurodegenerative disease. In addition to the widespread neurodegeneration that occurs in Alzheimer's disease, there are specific neurobiological abnormalities that appear in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.

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Bloody Business: Nations at War (Season 1).

In 1812 two competing corporations in North America went to war over natural resource riches, the Hudson’s Bay Company in Rupert’s Land and the North West Company in prairie and northwest territories. First Nations people benefitted by trading furs for manufactured goods and guns. The Earl of Selkirk decided to established a colony for the persecuted Highland Scots at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. Competition for control of pemmican led to the Pemmican Wars culminating in the Battle of Seven Oaks. Peace came when the North West Company agreed to merge with the Hudson’s Bay Company, Finally the Red River colony could thrive, laying the groundwork for the City of Winnipeg.

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Doing the Impossible: The Story of the Developmental Disabilities Association.

Inspired by the birth of a boy with Down Syndrome, one mother’s bold choice not to institutionalize her child and challenge the status quo led to the formation of an organization that would impact the lives of thousands - the Developmental Disabilities Association. This inspired generations to fight for human rights and significantly change Canada’s legal and social landscape for people with developmental disabilities. Spanning more than a hundred years, 'Doing the Impossible' tells the uplifting story of a single, pioneering organization within the larger political and cultural context it evolved in. As a historical documentary, this film includes terms that are no longer acceptable and languages and images that may be disturbing.

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Food for the Rest of Us.

Food for the Rest of Us is a feature film that presents 4 stories of people living life on their own terms, serving as leaders who are lending their voices to the underdog and leading a revolution to a better world, from the ground up! An Indigenous-owned, youth run organic farm in Hawaii, a Black urban grower in Kansas City who runs a land-farm at East High School, a female Kosher Butcher in Colorado working with the Queer Community and an Inuit community on the Arctic Coast who are adapting to climate change with a community garden in a small geodesic dome.

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Food Waste Dining in France: Restoration Planet Series (Season 1, Ep. 5).

Our France adventures begin after a long journey from Canada. In the Pyrenees Orientale, we found lush countryside, rich Catalan history, and - most important - kind and beautiful people. We were honoured to volunteer with the MIAM Collectif, an extraordinary little restaurant with an amazing grassroots solution for our global food waste problem.

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How to Build Your Own Forest: Restoration Planet Series (Season 2, Ep. 1).

Episode one features an amazing man from Prince George, British Columbia. Over an entire lifetime Jim Good has built a beautiful nature park on his own property. Jim has collected trees from almost every corner of Canada and planted them on his property with educational tidbits on the species and where it originally came from. The park spans 160 acres and features over 2,000 plant species, which he has collected throughout his travels across Canada. On top of all that he has a huge record collection with thousands of vinyl records! This unique property and very special man definitely make for an interesting episode. He named it Goodsir Nature Park in honour of his grandfather.

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Our Mother's Voice: Amplify Series, Ep. 1.

Multidisciplinary media artist, performer, and award-winning Métis/Cree musician Cheryl L’Hirondelle was inspired Potowatomi plant ecologist professor Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book 'Braiding Sweetgrass'; it caused her to re-evaluate her relationship to the world around her. Walking through her neighbourhood, listening to the sounds, spending time with the plant life around her, Cheryl draws on their natural songs to create a beautiful tribute to Mother Earth — gchi-miigwech maskihkiya.

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Undetectable: How Stigma Has Gone Viral in the Fight against HIV.

Canada has the solution to end HIV infections and stop the world-wide AIDS epidemic. So why are people still dying of AIDS? This video uses archival footage to review the history of AIDS, breaks down the roadblocks to eliminating this plague, and exposes the gatekeepers that have stopped the world from becoming HIV/AIDS free. The documentary is a deep dive into the hysteria, misinformation, stigma, and prejudice that has surrounded the HIV virus since it was identified in the early 80s. Through the eyes of artist Mark Randall, current front-line workers and tireless activists, 'Undetectable' exposes how early societal prejudice is directly linked to today’s rising infection rates. Directed by Laura O'Grady, Snapshot Studios.

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Into the weeds : Dewayne "Lee" Johnson vs. Monsanto Company.

Dewayne Johnson suffered from rashes and wondered if they were caused by the herbicide he'd been using for the past couple years. Johnson became the face of a legal battle to hold a corporation accountable for a product.

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752 is not a number = 752 n'est pas un nombre.

The Downing of the Ukrainian passenger flight 752 over the skies of Tehran on January 8, 2020 shook the world. All 176 passengers were killed, among them women, children, university students and academics, many of them residents or citizens of Canada. The tragedy occurred during renewed tensions between Iran and the United States following the killing of an Iranian general in Iraq. Iran's retaliation for the general's killing was a missile attack on U.S. military installations near Baghdad on the morning of January 8. The exchange heightened the tensions with both sides bracing for military escalation.

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Maggie tracks down her estranged and reclusive father, Lloyd; together they attempt to make first contact.

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The codes of gender : identity & performance in pop culture

Arguing that advertising not only sells things, but also ideas about the world, media scholar Sut Jhally offers a blistering analysis of commercial culture's inability to let go of reactionary gender representations. By looking beyond advertising as a medium that simply sells products, and beyond analyses of gender that tend to focus on either biology or objectification, The codes of gender offers important insights into the social construction of masculinity and femininity, the relationship between gender and power, and the everyday performance of cultural norms.

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Anarchy (Ep. 1): The Pillars Of The Earth Series.

The succession of England's crown is in doubt and causes King Henry's daughter and nephew to compete for the throne. Church politics sees Philip elected the new prior, which leaves him indebted to Deacon Waleran. Set in 12th-century England, this series based on Ken Follett's novel begins when an unlikely member of King Henry's family assumes the throne. A fire destroys Kingsbridge church, giving mason Tom the chance to build a magnificent new cathedral. The bishop has other ideas, and a long-hidden secret is revealed. Actor Gordon Pinsent portrays the Archbishop of Canterbury and Donald Sutherland is Earl Bartholomew.

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Eternal Spring (86 Minute Version).

In March 2002, a state TV signal in China gets hacked by members of the banned spiritual group Falun Gong. Their goal is to counter the government narrative about their practice. In the aftermath, police raids sweep Changchun City, and comic book illustrator Daxiong (Justice League, Star Wars), a Falun Gong practitioner, is forced to flee. He arrives in North America, blaming the hijacking for worsening an already violent repression. But his views are challenged when he meets the lone surviving participant to have escaped China, now living in Seoul, South Korea. Program is in Mandarin with English subtitles.

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Passage to Freedom.

Passage to Freedom is a moving documentary that features oral histories of Southeast Asian refugees that made the dangerous journeys from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to Canada. The film effectively weaves archival clips of news stories, wartime footage, and interviews with former refugees and Canadian immigration officials. Canada resettled over 100,000 Southeast Asian refugees from 1975 to 1985. The Canadian response to the refugee crisis was recognized internationally with the UNHCR Nansen Medal in 1986. The film delves into the journey of the refugees' integration into the fabric of Canadian life and highlights the contributions of this first generation and their descendants.

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The Serengeti rules

In the 1960s, a small band of scientists headed into the wilderness, curious about how nature works. Immersed in some of the most remote and spectacular places on Earth, they discovered a single set of rules that govern all life. Now these unsung heroes share the stories of their adventures, reveal how their work flipped our view of nature on its head, and give us a chance to reimagine the world.

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