36. Statistics Canada, “Vancouver [Census Metropolitan Area], British Columbia and British Columbia [Province],” Census Profile, 2016 Census, last modified April 24, 2018, http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/dp-pd/prof/index.cfm?Lang=E.
37. Statistics Canada, “Population by Broad Age Groups and Sex, 2016 Counts for Both Sexes, Canada, and Census Metropolitan Areas,” Age and Sex Highlight Tables, 2016 Census, last modified May 5, 2017, http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/dp-pd/hlt-fst/as/Table.cfm?Lang=E&T=12&Type=2.
Statistics Canada. “Vancouver [Census Metropolitan Area], British Columbia and British Columbia [Province].” Census Profile, 2016 Census. Last modified April 24, 2018. http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/dp-pd/prof/index.cfm?Lang=E.
Statistics Canada. “Population by Broad Age Groups and Sex, 2016 Counts for Both Sexes, Canada, and Census Metropolitan Areas.” Age and Sex Highlight Tables, 2016 Census. Last modified May 5, 2017. http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/dp-pd/hlt-fst/as/Table.cfm?Lang=E&T=12&Type=2.
38. Statistics Canada, “Table 20-10-0001-01: New Motor Vehicle Sales,” last modified August 28, 2018, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=2010000101.
Statistics Canada. “Table 20-10-0001-01: New Motor Vehicle Sales.” Last modified August 28, 2018. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid =2010000101.
When citing a report generated from SimplyAnalytics, construct a title that includes the variables (with their years) and the geographic areas covered in the data report. Use square brackets around the constructed title.
39. SimplyAnalytics, Inc., [# Household Income $100,000 or Over, 2016, and Average Total Expenditure on Pet Food, 2016, for Vancouver CMA and Canada], SimplyAnalytics.
SimplyAnalytics, Inc. [# Household Income $100,000 or Over, 2016, and Average Total Expenditure on Pet Food, 2016, for Vancouver CMA and Canada]. SimplyAnalytics.
40. The Strategic Counsel, “Most Popular Social Networks According to Internet Users in Canada as of March 2021,” Statista, July 2021, https://login.ezproxy.langara.ca/login?url=https://www.statista.comstatistics/284426/canada-social-network-penetration.
The Strategic Counsel. “Most Popular Social Networks According to Internet Users in Canada as of March 2021.” Statista. July 2021. https://login.ezproxy.langara.ca/login?url=https://www.statista.comstatistics/284426/canada-social-network-penetration.