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NURS 5130 (PDD Term 1): Professional Communication I

How Library Databases Work

A database is simply a large and organized collection of articles. Most databases at available through the library will primarily contain scholarly and peer reviewed articles. Find a list of databases in the left column of this page.

Some databases look at a large variety of subjects, others focus on one subject area only.

Library databases will try match your search words and organize the results they find, so the success of your search depends on choosing good search terms and knowing how to combine them. See the box below to learn how to communicate with databases.

Searching Process

Our example topic is: Providing treatment options to an elderly patient with prostate cancer in nursing

1. Open the CINAHL database:


2. Type your keywords into the search boxes (each concept gets its own search box). Which search is better?  



3. Searching tips we will discuss in class:

  • How to limit search results to articles from peer reviewed journals
  • How to limit search results by publication date
  • Truncation using *
  • Searching a phrase using "quotation marks"
  • Where to search for your words (optional): Title search, Subject search, & All Text search
  • Adding related keywords