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HSCI 2212: Emerging Disease Assignment (Glass)

Avoiding Plagiarism

Free citation management tools

Citation management tools can be excellent time-savers, but ALWAYs double-check your citations for machine-generated errors before you hand in your assignment. Here are two good tools for this assignment:

  • ZoteroBib
    Free, open source web-based tool from Zotero that helps you create a citation or a reference list in APA Style (or another style).
    • Easy and intuitive to use, and does not require an account.
    • Use to create one-off References list for a paper or assignment.
    • Generally reliable for journal articles but less so for websites.
    • See the FAQs for more info.
  • Ebscohost - built-in tools in article databases
    Use the Cite button and/or email options to get APA citations for the articles you find.  Ebscohost Cite button