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Photography 1100: Photographic Explorations (Chater) Fall 2023

Research Workshop

Look through library books., magazines, and online resources linked to from the research guide and use the research to inspire ideas for your own conceptual portrait.

  • Choose two portrait images that inspire you and fill in the answers below.
  • Take photos with your cell phone of the two Inspiration photos you found in books/magazines (don't forget to take a photo of the cover of the book too!) and upload one to Padlet for a participation grade. Your instructor will share the Padlet with you through Brightspace.
  • Include one of the images in your Term Project Plan and describe how the inspiration from this photo will show up in your final portrait in some way.
  • Include a bibliography/works cited list at the end of your Term Project Plan/Presentation

Resource: The information you need for your bibliography depends on 1) the citation style you're using (MLA or Chicago) 2) the format of the resource you found the photograph in (ex. magazine, book, or website)

For example, if you're using Chicago Style citations and you found inspiration from one of the books brought today, you need the following information in the following format:

Last Name, F.M. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, YEAR. 


What is your first reaction to this photograph and why?:




Composition: angle of the camera



Symbols: Is there an object (clothes, makeup, props, jewellery) within the photograph that represents something abstract? Symbols can be archetypal (universal), cultural (specific to the photographer or subject's culture), or personal (specific meaning to the photographer or the subject).

Other Notes:

Research Resources

In addition to the books, magazines, and online resources linked to in this guide, here are some helpful places to look for information about your photographer and their style:

  • Grove Art Online - a specialized art encyclopedia
    • this is a good alternative to sites like Wikipedia and non-professional art sites like Art Story, Artnet, and Art in Context
  • Google - for:
    • artist websites and interviews
    • professional art sites (MOMA, the MET, Art 21, Hyperallergic, etc.)
    • professional media sites (New York Times, CBC, etc.)
  • Don't ever reference Wikipedia but you can use Wikipedia to follow footnotes to the original source :)