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Photography 1100: Photographic Explorations (Chater) Fall 2023


Why We Cite

  • Avoids plagiarism
  • Indicates to your instructor where you got your ideas
  • Acknowledges the work of others
  • Contributes to the photography community - you are building upon and adding to others' ideas
  • Builds your professional practice values - ensuring you're aware of potential issues related to copyright and appropriation
  • Documents your inspiration and helps you become more aware of your creative process

How to Cite

You can use any style of citation for your term project. APA, MLA, and Chicago are the most common. Langara Library has guides for all three.

Whichever style you choose, you need to cite any time you reference someone else's ideas in your assignment. You can:

  1. Direct quote
  2. Paraphrase

There are two parts to citations:

  1. In-text citations. When you quote a direct passage or paraphrase another person's idea, you must reference the work within that sentence.
  2. References list. This is a list of every source you used in your paper with information on how to find that source again. The type of information depends on the type of resource (ex. book, journal article, etc.)

Citing ChatGPT

Your instructor is allowing you to use ChatGPT to:

  • Check your grammar and spelling
  • Ask specific questions related to your assignment

You cannot ask ChatGPT to write your written statement about your photographer but you can ask it specific questions:

  • "What is Petra Collins' photographic style?" v. "what kind of lighting does Petra Collins use?"

If you use information found on ChatGPT in your assignment, you will need to cite it. Here are links on how to cite ChatGPT in the three main citation styles: