Find aticles from over 5,200 biomedical journals (e.g. NEJM, Lancet, CMAJ, etc.) and evidence-based sources such as Cochrane Systematic Reviews. Medline does not have a peer review limiter, so search it alone and NOT in combination with the other databases below.
The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature covers over 5,400 journals in nursing and allied health fields. It has strong overlap with Medline, i.e. they both track many of the same journals, but it has significant unique content too.
Journal articles in the field of sports and recreation, including sports medicine. A good choice for recreation, exercise or muscle-injury related topics.
A "kitchen sink" database that tracks over 13,500 journals and magazines in many subject areas, worth searching because of its size and breadth of coverage. Remember to limit results to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals to weed out the magazine articles.
Covers thousands of journals in the field of psychology, including sports psychology. Useful if your case study involves mental health or cognitive issues.
Which databases to search? Most or all of them!
A good strategy is to search these databases in this order, in one long session:
First search Medline on its own, because it does not have (or need) a peer review limiter.
Curated by the US National Library of Medicine, it tracks 5,200 selected life sciences and biomedical journals from around the world.
Build and refine your search terms until you are satisfied with your results. Be sure to add relevant articles to your temporary Ebscohost folder as you find them. You may also want to save your search(es) to the temporary folder.
Next "Change Databases" within Ebscohost.
Un-select Medline, and select these to search in combination: Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, and SportDiscus.
If your case study topic includes a mental health or cognitive issue, also include APA PsycINFO.
Your previous search terms will be retained in the search boxes.
Be sure to limit results to scholarly/peer reviewed and limit results to articles from 2015 to present before you click on Search.
Continue to add relevant articles to your temporary folder as you find them. You may also want to save your search to the temporary folder. Remember it is a temporary folder - be sure to email your saved articles and search(es) to yourself before you close down your browser or leave your computer for more than 10 minutes.