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Applied Research

Langara College Research Data Management Strategy

(Last Revision: February 2023)

PDF version available here


Introduction & Background
  • This strategy document was created to satisfy the requirements of the Tri-Agency Research Data Management (RDM) Policy [1], so that Langara College can continue to comply with requirements to receive grant funding to support applied research.
    • According to the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy, researchers seeking grant funding from NSERC, CIHR, or SSHRC* will be required to write a data management plan (DMP) that reflects the best practices in RDM. The DMP will be submitted to the funding agency along with the project proposal.
    • Researchers will also be required to deposit their relevant research data that directly supports journal publications, and which arose from Tri-Agency grant funded projects, into a digital repository by the time of publication. There are exceptions to this requirement for data that is connected to Indigenous communities.
    • The exact implementation date for the two requirements above has not yet been shared. Until this date, researchers will not be required to write DMPs or deposit data.
    • Langara College is required to develop an institutional RDM strategy, post the strategy when complete (by March 1st, 2023), and inform Tri-Agency when it is posted.

  • This document was also created to guide the future of research data management at Langara College, so that researchers are properly supported in practicing RDM.
    • Prior to the development of this document, Langara College had no existing RDM strategy or supports in place. The elements and goals within this strategy reflect that RDM is still a new and emerging practice at Langara.

  • The Digital Research Alliance of Canada Institutional Research Data Management Strategy Development Template [2] was used to help develop this document. Langara College also collaborated with several other small post-secondary institutions in B.C. during the strategy development process.

  • The importance of implementing RDM practices at Langara College goes beyond simply fulfilling Tri-Agency requirements. Depositing data and submitting data management plans are becoming increasingly common requirements for publishing in academic journals. Langara College hopes to align with this evolving movement within academic research.

  • This document aims to promote a balanced approach to RDM that recognizes the unique needs and requirements of fundings agencies, researchers, industry partners, human research participants, Indigenous communities, and the general public. Fulfilling all these needs and requirements is a complex process that will unfold over time.

* National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, or Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Purpose of the RDM Strategy

The RDM Strategy is intended to do the following:

The RDM Strategy is not intended to do the following:

- Describe broad areas of strategic focus and be a high-level document

- Serve as an RDM policy

- Demonstrate a commitment to RDM best practices and foster data openness when appropriate

- Mandate that all deposited data be openly accessible

- Provide a flexible roadmap for how Langara can support researchers, which will evolve and be revised over time

- Prescribe exactly how the strategy will be implemented and which specific tools will be used

- Set attainable goals, identify current gaps in RDM support, and show areas which need additional work

- Subject Langara College to unrealistic and advanced RDM standards

Importance of Research Data & RDM at Langara College
  • Increasing the number of applied research projects with community partnerships is part of Langara College’s 2025 Strategic Plan [4]. Without implementing RDM practices at Langara College, researchers will no longer be able to apply for Tri-Agency grant funding.

  • Properly managing research data has many benefits to researchers and the scholarly community as a whole:
    • When data is deposited effectively, it can potentially be shared (when appropriate) with other scholars working on related research projects, including replication and validation studies. This improves reproducibility and can advance research discoveries in the field.
    • Publications with datasets that are openly accessible tend to have higher citation rates [3]. When it is appropriate to share data openly, doing so can improve the dissemination of research and raise the scholarly profiles of authors.
    • Data may be requested by journals to verify research findings after publication, and properly managed data is easier to retrieve for this purpose. Data requests are becoming increasingly common, especially with high-impact journals [5, 6, 7]. RDM protects the integrity of research and the scholarly reputations of researchers.
    • Researchers can save time and money when RDM practices are in place. Data management plans allow researchers to prepare in advance for their data needs throughout the research project. Properly storing and depositing data makes it easier to locate and interpret in the future and protects against data loss. This can lead to fewer errors, easier analysis, and improved collaboration between team members.

  • An RDM strategy is essential in articulating Langara’s commitment to Indigenous data sovereignty and implementing a distinctions-based approach to RDM. Langara College is located on the traditional territory of the Musqueam People and the College regularly collaborates with Indigenous communities on research projects.




Goal(s) to Address Gaps

Status & Timeline

Assemble the RDM team & identify stakeholders

1. Create an interdisciplinary team representing various areas that are relevant to RDM.


2. Consult with the RDM team (asynchronously) and keep them informed throughout the strategy development process.


3. Review the strategy with the Core RDM Team according to the timeline.


Assess institutional research data management needs

1. Use the RISE (Research Infrastructure Self-Evaluation) framework to assess the current state of RDM at Langara and to guide reassessments in the future.


2. Develop a survey to assess the current research data needs at Langara College.


3. Distribute the survey to researchers, collect the results, and use the findings to inform future RDM supports.


Promote awareness of RDM

1. Communicate with the Langara College community the value and necessity of RDM.


2. Identify RDM “champion” researchers who can help steward RDM adoption at Langara College.


Provide education and training for researchers

1. Create an RDM online research guide with basic information.


2. Create an educational RDM event aimed at researchers, most likely through collaboration with other institutions.

Beginning** March 2023

3. Offer RDM consultations, instructional materials, and workshops on an ongoing basis.

Beginning March 2023

4. Offer optional RDM support to ARC Fund recipients.

Beginning July 2023

Support researchers with data management plans (DMPs)

1. Set up an administrative account with DMP Assistant.


2. Create a DMP template specifically for Langara College.

By April 2023

3. Assist researchers with using and troubleshooting DMP Assistant.


4. Collaborate with the Research Ethics Board (REB) to integrate DMPs with the REB application.

By September 2023

Assist researchers with long-term data storage needs

1. Provide a long-term data storage option for researchers, for cases where this is required.

Beginning March 2023

Support students involved in research with managing research data

1. Develop an RDM module to include in the online student research onboarding course (which may be linked to micro-credentials).

Beginning January 2023

2. Consult with students on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are receiving proper RDM support that meets their needs.


Support researchers and Indigenous communities in managing Indigenous data

1. Have a member from the Core RDM Team complete the Fundamentals of OCAP® course.


2. Apply the OCAP®, CARE, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, or Principles of Ethical Métis Research principles whenever assisting researchers working with Indigenous data (data that is about or created alongside Indigenous peoples).


3. Consult with Indigenous researchers while developing and revising the strategy wherever they choose to share their input, emphasizing that input is optional and welcome at any time.


4. Look beyond the strategy and focus on the unique needs of each individual situation that involves Indigenous data, in order to encourage Indigenous data sovereignty.


Support researchers with data deposit

1. Determine which repositories are suitable for data deposit at Langara College – considering various data file types, sizes, and privacy requirements.

Beginning March 2023

2. Arrange access to these repositories, which may involve creating accounts and collaborating with other institutions.

Beginning March 2023

3. Arrange for IT to assess and approve the use of any selected repositories.

Beginning March 2023

4. Assist researchers with using and troubleshooting repositories.


5. Assist researchers with using metadata and ensuring datasets have appropriate documentation.


6. Develop data curation criteria and procedures for datasets deposited into repositories selected by Langara College.

Beginning July 2023

7. Provide researchers with the freedom to deposit data in disciplinary repositories of their choosing.


Provide appropriate active data storage options to researchers

1. Provide access to an active data storage platform that is secure and fosters collaboration between researchers, which will satisfy the needs of most projects.

Beginning March 2023

2. Assist researchers with using and troubleshooting this platform.


Support researchers in managing sensitive or confidential industry data

1. Collaborate with other institutions to determine best practices in applied research RDM and sensitive data RDM.


2. Collaborate with industry partners to develop appropriate contract language that meets all funder requirements and industry needs.

Beginning March 2023

3. Collaborate with the REB regarding consent forms when depositing data involving humans.

By July 2023

4. Collaborate with the REB and other departments regarding the management of sensitive data and protection of privacy.


Develop institutional RDM policies

1. Write institutional RDM policies that articulate responsibilities, practices, and procedures, which ensure compliance with the Tri-Agency RDM Policy.

Beginning April 2023

Promote the reuse and sharing of open data

1. Link researchers to open data repositories and assist with using these tools to find data that can be reused and cited.


2. Support researchers with sharing their research data (when appropriate).


Locate external and institutional support

1. Identify and apply for external grants to help fund RDM work at Langara College


2. Determine if additional budgetary or personnel support is required to continue implementing and sustaining the RDM strategy at Langara College – and act on this if appropriate.

Beginning April 2023


* Langara College used RISE framework capacity levels [8] to develop these goals.

** “Beginning” status refers to tasks that have not yet been started, but work will begin on the listed date


  • The Applied Research Centre (ARC) and/or Library will offer support to researchers with data depositing, data management plans, active data storage, and long-term data storage. Information Technology (IT) may also offer support to researchers using SharePoint through Langara College for active data storage.

  • If an individual researcher is not actively participating in the process of writing DMPs or depositing data, the ARC and/or Library may withdraw their assistance in these areas and will not help write data management plans or deposit data without the collaboration of the researchers involved in collecting the data.

  • Researchers are free to complete the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy requirements on their own (data deposit and DMPs). They may also request assistance in completing these requirements. The ARC will attempt to connect with all researchers doing grant-funded research to ensure researchers have the proper RDM support. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the researcher to complete a data management plans and deposit data in an appropriate repository.
  • This document applies to all data collected through Tri-Agency grant-funded research projects. The research data could be collected by faculty, staff, or students from any department.

  • For research projects that received grant funding prior to the posting of this document, the RDM strategy does not apply retroactively to any research data that was generated.

  • Where a research project was not funded by NSERC, SSHRC, or CIHR, this strategy document does not necessarily apply. However, Langara College will still encourage all researchers to use RDM best practices, no matter how the research project was funded.

  • This document does not apply to institutional research data collected at Langara College, where the data is used strictly within the college that has not been collected through a grant-funded research project. This data is governed by separate strategies and policies.

Fostering Indigenous Data Sovereignty

  • RDM processes that involves Indigenous data will prioritize Indigenous data sovereignty, encourage self-determination, and ensure that Indigenous communities derive a collective benefit. We recognize and respect the uniqueness of different Indigenous communities - this is not a pan-Indigenous approach to RDM.

  • Indigenous stakeholders at Langara College will continue to have the opportunity to contribute to the College’s RDM Strategy at any point.

  • Indigenous research partners will be involved and consulted at every step in the RDM process. No important decisions will be made without approval of relevant Indigenous communities.

  • We recognize the diversity of Indigenous data, which may be connected to traditional lands, resources, language, culture, heritage, and many other areas. The term “Indigenous data” will be applied to any data that may be connected to or relevant to Indigenous communities.
  • As the strategy tasks are completed, their status will be updated in this document. The strategy goals should be achieved by 3 years, by the year 2026.

  • At first, the strategy will be assessed at 6 months then at 1 year, 2 years, 3 years. Following the initial assessments, the strategy will be revised at 5 years (2028), then every 5 years going forward.


Core Strategy Development Team

The Core Strategy Development Team is primarily responsible for developing and writing the strategy.

  • Applied Research Centre
  • Library


Stakeholders have been contacted and consulted throughout the strategy development process. They will also be consulted when the strategy is being reviewed and updated.

  • Applied Research Centre
  • Library
  • Researchers at Langara College – including Indigenous researchers specifically
  • Information Technology (IT) - including the Cybersecurity team
  • Records Management and Privacy
  • Institutional Research
  • Risk Management
  • Research Ethics Board

Individuals Approving the Strategy

After the development and consultation phases, the strategy will be officially approved by certain individuals.

  • Director, Applied Research Centre
  • Director, Library Services & Learning Commons
  • Associate Vice President, Academic


Ethical & Legal Considerations
  • Sensitive data will be managed appropriately in a way that meets Tri-Agency requirements and respects the privacy of human research participants.
  • Confidentiality and ownership agreements with industry partners will be developed in a way that meets Tri-Agency requirements and respects the needs of industries.
  • When research data is linked to human research participants, researchers must ensure that consent has been given by the participants before depositing any data.

Indigenous Data Principles Guiding this Strategy

Fostering Indigenous data sovereignty is a key part of the RDM Strategy at Langara College. Two sets of principles were used to guide how Langara College will approach the management of Indigenous research data alongside Indigenous communities and researchers:

Langara College Strategic Priorities

Langara College is aspiring to advance in five strategic areas by the year 2025, including two areas that are particularly relevant to this document:

  • Community Engagement: increasing the number of applied research projects with community partnerships.
  • Indigenization: implementing a college-wide indigenous strategy and deepening the relationship with Musqueam and other Indigenous nations.

Relevant External Policies

In addition to the Tri-Agency RDM Policy, several other external policies informed the development of this strategy document:

Additional Guiding Principles

The Core Strategy Development Team referred to several prominent guiding principles throughout the development process, including:

Relevant Institutional Policies

Several relevant policies from within Langara College were also consulted, in order to ensure alignment with other practices at the institution:


Below are the definitions for certain terms that have been discussed throughout this document:

  • Data Management Plan:

A formal statement describing how research data will be managed and documented throughout a research project and the terms regarding the subsequent deposit of the data with a data repository for long-term management and preservation.

  • Repository:

Repositories preserve, manage, and provide access to many types of digital materials in a variety of formats. Materials in online repositories are curated to enable search, discovery, and reuse.

  • Research Data:

Data that are used as primary sources to support technical or scientific enquiry, research, scholarship, or artistic activity, and that are used as evidence in the research process and/or are commonly accepted in the research community as necessary to validate research findings and results.

  • Research Data Management:

Research data management refers to the storage, access and preservation of data produced from a given investigation. Data management practices cover the entire lifecycle of the data, from planning the investigation to conducting it, and from backing up data as it is created and used to long term preservation of data deliverables after the research investigation has concluded. Specific activities and issues that fall within the category of data management include file naming, data access, data documentation, data storage, data preservation, data sharing, data security, and data privacy.

These definitions are adapted from CODATA’s Research Data Management Terminology [9], shared under a Creative Commons 4.0 International License. Some subtle changes were made.


Policy Development
  • This strategy document will inform future policies that will be developed at Langara College. Policies will be posted and circulated upon completion.

Future RDM Goals
  • Future RDM goals will become apparent once this strategy becomes fully implemented at Langara College. These goals will be added to the strategy over time.

Reassessment of the Strategy
  • The RDM strategy will be reassessed and this document revised every 5 years, to ensure that RDM practices are still up to date. This will also help keep the strategy aligned with institutional policies and priorities, as Langara College evolves over time.

Staying Current
  • Members of the Core Strategy Development Team will continue attending RDM workshops and meetings to continue growing in RDM knowledge and collaborating with other institutions in this area.


[1] Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy. Government of Canada.

[2] Institutional Research Data Management Strategy Development Template. Digital Research Alliance of Canada, hosted on Zenodo.

[3] Data Reuse and the Open Data Citation Advantage. H. A. Piwowar & T. J. Vision.

[4] Langara College 2025 Strategic Plan.

[5] Reporting Standards and Availability of Data, Materials, Code and Protocols. Nature Portfolio.

[6] Data Availability. PLOS Journals.

[7] Science Journals: Editorial Policies.

[8] Using RISE: The Research Infrastructure Self-Evaluation Framework.

[9] Research Data Management Terminology. CODATA.