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NURS 2109 (Term 3): Major Scholarly Paper

This is a guide to help you find articles to support your NURS 2109 major scholarly paper assignment. The paper will explore an adult client's episodic health challenge and the concept of transition as it relates to their experience. You should find at least three articles from peer-reviewed journals, ideally primary (original research).

The boxes below provide links to CINAHL searches to help get you started. All searches are limited to articles from peer-reviewed journals published from 2016-present.

CINAHL searches for articles about leaving hospital and transition

Now you can narrow the results by clicking on the link above and adding search term(s) related to your client's health challenge. For example:

CINAHL searches for articles about health challenges and themes

You will have identified three themes related to your adult client's health challenge. Try separate searches for articles about each theme.

Here are some examples of CINAHL searches that combine keywords for a health challenge and an accompanying theme:

  • autoimmune diseases AND depress*
    Challenge with this topic: little research on a specific disease, for example Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease, which is a rare autoimmune disorder.
    Search strategy: search the broader disease category instead of the specific disease.
  • MW asthma AND MW anxiety NOT ( child* or pediatric* )
    Challenge with this topic: there are a lot of articles about asthma and a lot of them are about children/youths with asthma.
    To help narrow/focus the search:
    - MW means the word is found in a CINAHL subject heading, indicating it's a strong focus of the article - helpful when you get too many results.
    - NOT child* will exclude results where child, children etc. appear in the article description - helpful for the topic of asthma.


Search tips

In the boxes below there are links to CINAHL searches to get you started. All searches are limited to articles from peer-reviewed journals published from 2016-present.

Reminders about searching:

  • transition* will search for transition, transitions, transitional, etc.
  • mobil* will search for mobile, mobility, etc.
  • words in quotations are searched as phrases - for example "quality of life"
  • AND between words means that ALL of these terms must all be in the search results
  • OR means that ANY of these terms can be in the search results
  • NOT TI means that these words cannot be found in the article title. This is an easy strategy to screen out most articles that are not about an adult population.
  • you don't have to capitalize AND, OR - it's also ok to type and, or

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