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Subject Tutoring Home

How to Use Nimbus

Nimbus Logo

    Nimbus Learning is an online platform Langara uses to facilitate the tutoring experience.

    It is available as an app or via the web.

    Download the app by scanning the QR code below.

    On a web browser, you can visit the Nimbus Langara Website and search for a course

Nimbus QR Code


In-person Sessions

    1. After downloading the app, choose the option to: Sign in using your institutional email

    2. Select Langara College.

    3. Search for courses with tutoring sessions.

    4. You can SAVE TO Calendar for your sessions 

    5. For in-person sessions, remember to ask the tutor for the 6-digit session check-in code.

Online Zoom Sessions

    1. Following steps 1-4 from the instructions above.

    2. Access the Nimbus web version for your online sessions at

    3. You can launch Zoom up to 15 minutes before the start of the session through Nimbus.