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ABST 1104: Canadian Aboriginal Policy (Miranda-Barrios)


Welcome to the LibGuide for ABST 1104! This guide highlights important resources for ABST 1104, with special attention to research requirements for the Media Reflection and Analysis assignment. 

Media Reflection and Analysis

The Media Reflection and Analysis assignment asks you to reflect on any of the media material included in ABST 1104. Consider the following: 

  • In which context was this media produced?
  • What topic(s) is it highlighting?
  • Which actors are involved?
  • How does it facilitate learning about Canadian Aboriginal Policy?
  • Which specific aspects of the Indian Act is it referring to?

Include at least three peer-reviewed sources (e.g. scholarly journal articles). One of these sources can be a scholarly book.

Cite your sources in APA style for both in-text citations and the References page.